Monday, November 23, 2009

Going to Palo Duro Canyon, Plus, Lots of New Articles Published

Sorry I have not written for a while, but I have been on several ten day stretches back to back- only a day off here and there. Today my colleagues and I spent the day doing physical labor- rebuilding some trails around camp that washed out during all that rain we had. That was actually less stressful than teaching when all the kids are here for the Outdoor Ed program.  I do love teaching kids things like paddling and climbing but it is very physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding.

So tommorrow is the last day of teaching for the semester- a group of 6th graders coming out for the day. I will be leading a small hike and belaying 30 or so kids on the climbing wall. And then....on the road again.

I'll be off exploring Palo Duro Canyon, Caprock Canyons, and several other areas in the Panhandle of Texas. It will be nice to sleep out under the stars without a bunch of kids along.  It will be cold at night, but no worries- my Mammut sleeping bag is rated to 0 degrees so I will be fine.

 I have just published several more articles. Here are the links for them. Please check them out.

A Fun Granola Recipe to Make with Kids

Making the Most of Your European Backpacking Trip

Camper Vans: The Best Vehicles for Road Trips

The 5 Best Ways to Spend Your Winter Vacation in the Everglades

Thanks for checking out my articles! I welcome questions and comments. I bid you adieu for now. I am going off to play and explore in remote canyons away from 5th graders (and everyone else for that matter) to rejuvenate my spirit and my energy as I ponder the beauty of the rugged west Texas canyonlands and find some cool rocks and stuff.

Jedidiah Free

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